Saturday, July 25, 2009

Do not fear for me...

For those of you who may have wondered exactly what I've been doing, if I'm well, etc., let me put your minds at ease. I am more in danger of being killed in a road accident than by any act of terror (although some would equate Doha traffic with acts of terror), and to that end, the wise and benign leadership of the country has posted our boys in blue (berets even!) our traffic police, at most busy roundabouts. You can palpably feel there presence even before arrive at a roundabout: you'll just be sitting in traffic longer than if there were no traffic controls at all other than the precision timing and nerves of steel of the Doha driving populace. However, the gov is justly proud of this traffic calming (i.e. slowing) force, and has posted public service signs at many roundabouts to calm our uneasy hearts:

Yes, Traffic Man, a hero for a new millenium and a new world order, such as order of any kind exists in Qatar.

And no, the gentleman in the background is NOT a terrorist; he's most likely a poor South Asian who is trying to keep from frying in the Arabian sun or having his epidermis sandblasted away by the wind. Anyway, with Traffic Man on the beat, you come to realize with profound awe and gratitude that we truly have little to fear except fear itself.

1 comment:

Joe Hart said...

Finally, a superhero for the common man...someone we can all relate to.

"Traffic Man, saving the world one vehicle at a time."

Glad to hear you're doing well!

- Joe